Exquisite Corpse 17 - Her Illuminating Epiphany

Exquisite Corpse 17 - Her Illuminating Epiphany
© Natalie Schorr 2023

Exquisite Corpse 17 - Her illuminating epiphany immediately transfigured her dolorous life.

When doing an analog collage, you have a couple of choices. You can photocopy/Photoshop a picture to be the correct scale for what you want, or you can “play the hand you’ve been dealt” and use what you’ve got in the size it came in.

I’m a “play the hand you’ve been dealt” person.

Things being out of scale or being lit from multiple angles by impossible light sources never bothered me, but I was pleasantly surprised by having this sculpted collar and the painted face lit by a comparable source, thus leading me to the aforementioned epiphany.

The head is Michelangelo, something Sistine perhaps? I don’t recall who did the sculpted collar and cape. The lower body is the layout of some floor mosaics from Italy, which has this stuff everywhere. The halo is from the same cathedral floor. The hands and feet are from Glamour or InStyle or some modern fashion magazine.

What’s not to love about denim platform shoes? If I had some, my life would, indeed, be far less dolorous.