Exquisite Corpse 16 - Her Improvised Wings

Exquisite Corpse 16 - Her Improvised Wings
© Natalie Schorr 2023

Exquisite Corpse 16 - Her improvised wings greatly broadened her meager opportunities.

Now that I’ve gone down the rabbit hole of cutting up my old art books, I really feel the creative juices flowing again. So I started putting together a series of fun little pieces in this long, thin format.

If you are of “a certain age,” you may remember Sally Field as The Flying Nun, which was a little bit of the inspiration behind this piece. I found a painting of a nun in an impossibly cumbersome robe that made her look like she’d been attacked by silk worms, and decided to liberate her.

The halo is Michelangelo, the arms Leonardo. The body is an Egyptian sculpture below which we find a Ralph Lauren belt, a fashion mag skirt bottom, eye and mouth, and some delightful brocade shoes. It’s finished off with a bit of marker and a gold metallic Krink paint pen.