Exquisite Corpse 14 - The Unconventional Mermaid

Exquisite Corpse 14 - The Unconventional Mermaid
© Natalie Schorr 2023

Exquisite Corpse 14 - The unconventional mermaid secretly suspected a questionable ancestry.

I have often wondered through the years if maybe I had somehow been switched at birth. I think my real parents are living in a yurt in the Pacific Northwest carving gourds for a living while their upwardly mobile Republican daughter wonders how she got there.

Yeah, I tend to exaggerate, but it sure would sure explain a lot.

My boss’s boss’s boss loves mermaids, and I mentioned that I had a mermaid in my upcoming show so she’s really excited. I hope that doesn’t wane when she sees this piece. I’m pretty excited about the show, too, although I have a huge number of friends and coworkers who have no idea what I do in my off hours.

It’ll be a revelation, no doubt.