Exquisite Corpse 12 - Her Augmentation Obsession

Your mother always said to eat your fruits and vegetables.

Mixed media collage of a woman clutching two watermelon halves in the area of her breasts.

Exquisite Corpse 12 - Her Augmentation Obsession
© Natalie Schorr 2023

I enjoy most types of vegetation, but growing up we didn’t have a great variety because we only ate the things my mother liked and cooked. Mom is not a big veggie eater and she’s 91, so you can’t really rag on her about it. She’s gonna do what she’s gonna do, and since she’s lived this long on about 8 different vegetables, you can’t reasonably argue with that.

Breast augmentation began in earnest in the 1970s. It was around before, though, albeit not very successfully. It’s safety is still in question, but that doesn’t stop people from getting them. I think in the end, you should do you and if augmentation is your thing, by all means go for it.

This piece is #12 in the Exquisite Corpse series. It includes ephemera from cookbooks and seed catalogs, vintage wallpapers, an old yearbook, linocut, colored pencils and acrylic.